Wednesday, November 10, 2010

28 Weeks Down!

Well I reached 28 weeks yesterday. One week till we reach our first goal!  It is so exciting to think that they can come anytime now and everything will be ok.  Ultimately,  32 weeks is the goal.  So 4 more weeks!  I just can't believe that in as little as 4 weeks Cameron and I will be parents!  Of three little boys none the less!  I just can't comprehend it at times.  We will have more kids than the average American family with minutes of each other.

Well within the last week a few things have happened.  I was on a blood thinner called Fragmine (excuse the spelling if wrong).  They put me on a blood thinner so that I don't get blood clots begin down all the time.  And with this medication it has to be absorbed through the abdomen.  So I have to get shots every morning in the belly.  It's the worst shot ever!!!  Well I found out through a doctor that if I'm on the Fragmine and I were to go into labor that when they did the C-Section I would have to under go general anesthesia.  Meaning, they would have to put me under. NO WAY!!! I have to be awake for when these babies come.  I want to see them the second they are born NOT KNOCKED OUT!.  So they switched me from Fragmine to Heprin which is a sister to the Fragmine.  This will allow me to be able to have an epidural and to be awake to hear those little cries.  The only down side is instead of once a day like the Fragmine, I have to get two shots in the belly every day : (  And the Heprin Shot is twice as bad as the Fragmine.  But I know I need these shots so that I don't develope a blood clot which would be ten times worse than a shot twice a day.  I just pray every time before they come in with that shot that it won't hurt as much as the last time.

Being in the hospital has had it's ups and downs its positives and negatives like the pneumonia but I know that I'm in the right place if anything were to happen.  I've lost weight being in the hospital because I've lost all the water weight and on top of it all, because I'm not moving around much I'm not very hungry anymore.  So I'm loosing weight.  So now they have me on all these protein drinks and I have 4 meals a day instead of 3.  It's so hard to eat everything but I'm trying.  I just can't do that last meal before I go to bed at night.  I'm just not hungry after all the calories I've taken in for the day with not being able to moving around much.  We have seen progress though.  I finally gained 2 pounds. 2 POUNDS!  I was a little disappointed when I step up on that scale and I only gained 2 pounds after all that force feeding and those protein shakes! Especially when I was gaining that without all these extra meals before. But hey! I will take the 2 pounds over none.

Here is something that I have been working on for the last week. Sister Longfellow from our ward came over and taught me how to knit.  I've been wanting to learn forever and I finally got the chance.  Here is what I made.  I am making two other hats that will match.  A blue one with a green stripe an then a white one with a blue stripe.  But I thought you guys might enjoy some of the things I've been working on.


  1. Rachael! that hat is just precious! I'm so impressed that you just learned how to knit and made that because it looks so perfect! I am so glad yall made it to 28 weeks! Go mama! I'm sorry about those dang shots:( you are such a trooper! You have so many people who love you guys and are rooting for you and praying for you:) Love getting your updates on the blog!

  2. that hat is amazing! those boys are gonna be stylin!
    congrats on making it so far, 32 weeks doesn't seem so impossible now. Good luck with your shots, you're one strong lady!

  3. You look beautiful Racheal!! I want to come visit you soon, would that be ok?

  4. Girl you look amazing!!! Seriously... you're staying in the hospital and you still look gorgeous. Those hats are so cute too! I can't wait to see your three little boys in them =)
