Friday, December 17, 2010

Almost 5 Weeks!

I can't believe they're almost 5 weeks old!  I just can't believe it!  Well they are doing incredibly good.  Let see these last two weeks the boys have reached half way to 4 pounds.  Chase weighs 3 pounds 8 ounces and Jonathan weighs 3 pounds 7.6 ounces.  So they had a pretty good jump in weight. They both have moved up to NICU 2 which is the next up NICU before they go home.  They are off Isoleti temperature which was blowing warm air into their isolet according to their temperatures.  So they are maintaining their own body temperatures and have been doing awesome with that!  They are wearing clothes too! It's soooo cute.  They are now up to 22 cc's of breast milk which is 4 teaspoons.  They need to be at 40 to go home so they're over half way through that as well.  So as you can see they are doing better than any of us could have asked for.  They had an eye exam yesterday and nothing is wrong with their eye sight and they had another brain ultra sound and still no bleeding.  We are so proud of them and so happy that they are doing so well.
Jonathan Getting His Bath

Together for the first time since being born. The Funny Thing Is Chase Did This All On His Own

Jonathan And Chase

Jonathan and his brother Chase

Chase Getting His Bath

Monday, December 6, 2010

3 Weeks Old (32 weeks Gestation)

Well this week the boys have had some milestones and some mild set backs.  Jonathan and Chase have both gained weight but now Chase has surpassed Jonathan where Jonathan was ahead of Chase in weight for a while.  Jonathan now weighs 2 lbs 13 oz. and is 16 1/2 inches in length.  Chase broke 3 lbs 2 oz. and is 16 1/2 inches in length.  Jonathan will break 3 lbs in the next 3 oz.  So they are doing really good on weight gain.  Jonathan and Chase have had a few dramatic drops in there oxygen saturation along with their heart rates here and there.  Nothing too much to worry about but they are doing a little worse than they were before but the nurses say it is normal to have ups and downs day in and day out so not to worry they were just fine when i walked in today.

They are now up to 7 cc's (almost 2 teaspoons) of breast milk every three hours.  And they are handling it pretty well so far.  They may have to cut back according to how their body responds to that much milk but so far so good. Here are their 3 week old pictures.  See how much they have filled out since the weight gaining has improved along with their breast milk intake?
Jonathan Porter Zauche 2 lbs 13 oz. 3 Weeks old!

Chase Michael Zauche 3 lbs. 2 oz. 3 weeks old!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Two Weeks Old

Two weeks old!  It's crazy to think they are already that old.  The current update is that they are doing AWESOME! I'm so shocked at how well they are doing.   As of right now both babies are breathing on their own, being fed about 2 cc's of breast milk (about 1/2 a teaspoon) every 6 hours, they are both pooping and eating and gaining weight! As of right now Jonathan weighs 2 pounds 9 ounces and Chase weighs 2 pounds 8.6 ounces.  So they pretty much caught up with each other and are continuing to progress.  I just can't wait for them to be home!

Jonathan Porter Zauche 1 1/2 weeks

Chase Michael Zauche 1 1/2 weeks

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

29 Weeks On The Dot

I know what your thinking.... 29 weeks Wahooooooo! It is true! It is a very exciting day.  We reached 29 weeks. But it has also been a very sad day.  Today I went for an ultrasound to measure the babies.  I was soooo excited! Excited to see how much they have grown.  I was starting to get a little worried because it had been awhile since an ultrasound and I've been experiencing some pain.  So not only did I want see my baby boys, I wanted... no I needed to see my cervix to see if it had shortened because of the pain I was experiencing.  So my mom and I got into the ultrasound and waited for the screen to come on.  We started the first baby and after what seemed like an eternity she started on the next baby.  She was so quite... almost to quite.  She said she couldn't find the head... but of course it had to be there. So she went and got another ultrasound tech to help her find the head.  She said she wanted to make sure that she wasn't measuring the other babies head because they were all so crammed in there they wanted to make sure they had the right head for the right baby for measurement.  The other ultrasound tech came in and examined it.  But when he came in he immediately turned the screen away from my mom and I.  He then needed a third opinion and went for the Radiologist.  All I could think of was... " What is going on?!"  Cameron showed up right before the 3rd tech came in.  It so happens that they couldn't find baby B's heart beat.  I just couldn't believe it!  He wasn't even sympathetic leading me to believe he wasn't telling the truth... My mom started to cry.   I didn't just want his word for it.  I wanted to see it! I wanted to see on the screen that it wasn't beating that there was no blood flow but he just bluntly said there is no heart beat.  It finally set in.  I had lost one of my babies!  My baby!  I started to cry!  The tech just kept saying, " Are you going to be ok?"  I wanted to kill him!  I just lost one of my babies!  Did he not expect me to cry?  So that was the verdict.  They got me off the table and I got into the wheelchair to be wheeled back up to my room.  Was that it?  I just still couldn't believe it.  So when I got up to my room my OB came in and said he had talked to my high risk doctor on what our next steps should be.  Then I heard the words that were too early to say... "We are delivering tonight.  Tonight your going to become a mom."  I couldn't believe it. I looked at Cameron and just said, " I'm not ready.  Not yet!  This isn't supposed to happen right now."  But as it became more realistic and we went to prep for surgery, I had to prepare myself the the two boys that are coming into the world.  It was so hard because it was like I didn't even have time to mourn my stillborn baby.  But I had to change my attitude.  Happiness and sadness all at the same time.

As surgery approached they did an epidural.  Then it was time.  Cameron and my mom joined me in the O R.  Within minutes we would see our babies for the first time.  The thing I wanted the most was to hear them cry but the nurse said that we probably wouldn't because they are so premature.  Then Dr. Ramsey said " Ok we will be seeing these babies any moment now." I waited for that moment to be able to see them.  And then I heard the most beautiful thing...  I heard little Jonathan's cry.  And boy did he scream!  It was like music to my ears.  I couldn't help but cry!  My first born son!

A couple of minutes had passed and wondered what was taking so long.  They typically pull them out within a minute of each other.  Then I heard another cry!  Baby Chase was born.  I didn't get to see them at first because Cameron was cutting their umbilical cords.  But not long after Cameron brought over our little Ryan.  He was sooo blue unlike his brothers.  Even though I didn't get to hear his little cry he was one of the most beautiful things I've seen.  He looked just peaceful.  Even though he didn't get to take that first breath I knew his presence was there.

After awhile they whisked Jonathan and Chase to the NICU and Ryan to go get cleaned up so that we can spend time with him before he went to the hospital morge.  While in recovery they brought him in his little basket. He was in the smallest little onesie I've ever seen.  He was wrapped up in him warm blanket.  We got to spend the rest of the night with him.  It was the saddest thing I've ever done.  Is to say goodbye to my precious baby boy.  I never thought that I could be so attached to someone I never even knew.  But as the nurse took him from my arms it was a bittersweet moment!  Knowing that even though I didn't get to know him on this earth he is mine.  Forever will he be my son.  And knowing that he is now in the spirit world teaching others.  It's such a comfort to know that he was too pure, to righteous and too lovely to be in this world that he came and received a body and was meant for a greater purpose than being here on this earth. But I still want him.  I just have to wait for that day when he will greet me with open arms and say "Finally together forever!"

                                      Jonathan Porter Zauche                                      
                                            Born: Novemeber 16th, 2010           
                                            Time: 8:09 p.m.                                
                                            Weight: 2 lb. 2.6 oz.                         
                                             Length: 14 1/4 inches

                                             Ryan Matthew Zauche
                                             Born: November 16th, 2010
                                             Time: 8:10 p.m.
                                             Weight: 1 lb. 2 oz.
                                             Length: 12 1/2 inches

                                              Chase Michael Zauche
                                              Born: November 16th, 2010
                                              Time: 8:11 p.m.
                                              Weight: 2 lb. 5.5 oz.
                                               Length: 14 1/4 inches

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

28 Weeks Down!

Well I reached 28 weeks yesterday. One week till we reach our first goal!  It is so exciting to think that they can come anytime now and everything will be ok.  Ultimately,  32 weeks is the goal.  So 4 more weeks!  I just can't believe that in as little as 4 weeks Cameron and I will be parents!  Of three little boys none the less!  I just can't comprehend it at times.  We will have more kids than the average American family with minutes of each other.

Well within the last week a few things have happened.  I was on a blood thinner called Fragmine (excuse the spelling if wrong).  They put me on a blood thinner so that I don't get blood clots begin down all the time.  And with this medication it has to be absorbed through the abdomen.  So I have to get shots every morning in the belly.  It's the worst shot ever!!!  Well I found out through a doctor that if I'm on the Fragmine and I were to go into labor that when they did the C-Section I would have to under go general anesthesia.  Meaning, they would have to put me under. NO WAY!!! I have to be awake for when these babies come.  I want to see them the second they are born NOT KNOCKED OUT!.  So they switched me from Fragmine to Heprin which is a sister to the Fragmine.  This will allow me to be able to have an epidural and to be awake to hear those little cries.  The only down side is instead of once a day like the Fragmine, I have to get two shots in the belly every day : (  And the Heprin Shot is twice as bad as the Fragmine.  But I know I need these shots so that I don't develope a blood clot which would be ten times worse than a shot twice a day.  I just pray every time before they come in with that shot that it won't hurt as much as the last time.

Being in the hospital has had it's ups and downs its positives and negatives like the pneumonia but I know that I'm in the right place if anything were to happen.  I've lost weight being in the hospital because I've lost all the water weight and on top of it all, because I'm not moving around much I'm not very hungry anymore.  So I'm loosing weight.  So now they have me on all these protein drinks and I have 4 meals a day instead of 3.  It's so hard to eat everything but I'm trying.  I just can't do that last meal before I go to bed at night.  I'm just not hungry after all the calories I've taken in for the day with not being able to moving around much.  We have seen progress though.  I finally gained 2 pounds. 2 POUNDS!  I was a little disappointed when I step up on that scale and I only gained 2 pounds after all that force feeding and those protein shakes! Especially when I was gaining that without all these extra meals before. But hey! I will take the 2 pounds over none.

Here is something that I have been working on for the last week. Sister Longfellow from our ward came over and taught me how to knit.  I've been wanting to learn forever and I finally got the chance.  Here is what I made.  I am making two other hats that will match.  A blue one with a green stripe an then a white one with a blue stripe.  But I thought you guys might enjoy some of the things I've been working on.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

27 Weeks and Counting

So as of yesterday I reached 27 weeks! Two more weeks till our first goal is met! At 29 weeks our baby boys will be able to breath on their own due to the steroid shots they have given me to help their lung developement in case I go into preterm labor.

Exciting News! As you all know Baby A, one of the identicals, has been lagging behind in weight and measurement. This has had Cameron and I worried for some time, as lack in growth can eventually lead to the baby diminishing itself. But we found out this last week through and ultrasound that Baby A has now caught up to his other brothers! Baby A now weighs 1.81 pounds and Baby B weighs 1.94 pounds and Baby C weighs 1.99. Almost 2 pounds a piece. Our prayers have been answer!

And... this isn't very exciting news but I have developed my first few stretch marks! GASP! I know its like it happened over night too.  They don't look to bad but we still have a lot of growing to do. And as I look down at them they don't seem so ugly... YET!  

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Last Six Months

Of course six months is a lot to cover, but I'm sure we all like to be informed and kept up to date.

May 2010
We found out we were pregnant this month.  We were so excited.  Cameron made me take 4 pregnancy tests before we believed that this was really happening.  At first I wanted to tell everyone right away but Cameron wanted to be a little more cautious.  But as the minutes turned into hours I got more and more anxious finally I was allowed to call my parents.  They were so excited!  We told Cameron's parents and they were very excited!  This will be his parents first grandbabies!

June 2010
The time had finally come.  June 18th was our first official doctors visit.  Cameron and I were both really excited and hoped that even though I was only 7 weeks along, that we would be able to have our first ultrasound.  We went through the protocol... blood testing, pelvic examinations, the whole nine yards.  But all I really wanted was to hear those heart beats and see those little munchinks.  And you will not believe what we saw.  As the nurse turned down the lights and turned the ultrasound monitor on the nurse could not believe her eyes... TWINS!  Of course Cameron and I had no idea what we were looking at but my mother in law, Mary, and the nurse did.  I wouldn't believe it!  It couldn't be!  But that wasn't the end of it.  As the nurse turned the probe we not only found two babies but three babies! TRIPLETS!  We were so overwhelmed that I thought the nurse was playing a trick on us.  But as she played each heart beat I realized that this was no joke.  We were having three kids!  Of course our initial shock was fear, shock and tears but we grew accustomed to the idea real quickly.

July 2010
This month we met with my high risk doctor.  We got to hear the heart beats again :).  I love hearing it!We also found out that we have a set of identical twins and one fraternal. But with this visit not only brought joy but it also brought tears.  The doctor had to explain to us all the risks and possibilities of loosing one or all the babies along with Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome.  Where one baby steals all the blood and nutrition from the other.  Depleting one of the twins.  Even though we walked in with high spirits and walked out being discouraged I just knew that somehow everything was going to be ok.

August 2010
What more can I say about this month other than:  ALL BOYS!!!!

September 2010
This month we found out the babies have been growing normal except one.  Poor baby A has been struggling but shows not enough evidence of Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome.  When the placenta split one baby got a bigger half giving it more nutrition than the other.  This is common with identicals they said but it still worries me.  We are just hoping and praying that he will eventually catch up with the other two.

October 2010
Wow! Ok so this month was crazy!  1st off for some reason I feel the need to nest.  I shouldn't be feeling like this for another couple of months.  But I can't help it.  The clothes I have received so far I've washed with baby detergent, I'm trying to figure out what to do with the nursery but I'm just cleaning cleaning cleaning.  And can't stop thinking about all that there is left to do before the babies come!  But I did have a couple of things to take all that off my mind.  My brother and sister in law, Brock and Kalynn, had their baby boy! Boy is he a beauty.  He was born October 1st! She only had a 4 hour labor and delivery! Pretty fast especially for this being her first baby.  Then there is the family reunion coming up.  We are all going to Disney World.  Even though I can't ride the rides I was so excited to go with my niece and nephews and watch them get all excited.  Then of course at the end of the month is my babyshower!  But hold up! REEEEWWWWIIIIINNNDDD! The last two things didn't get to happen.  A week before the Disney Trip I had to go in for a check up with my high risk doctor.  Everything looked great and we were about to leave until my doctor said that he wanted to look at my cervix.  Weird he usually isn't the one to do that. My OB/GYN is.  But i got back up on the table and he flipped the monitor on.  I could tell right away I knew something was wrong.  Not only had my cervix opened but the babies head was right over the cervix with amniotic fluid funneling into the open part of the cervix.  I went from 4 cm of closed cervix two weeks before to 0.7 cm left of closed cervix.  And on top of it all when we were looking at the screen you could see the cervix open wider than close meaning I was contracting.  I was immediately sent over to labor and delivery.  I couldn't believe it!  Our worst fears of preterm labor were happening.  I couldn't stop crying and even though Cameron just sat there quietly holding my hand I knew he was scared to.  So we were whisked to labor and delivery where I was hooked up to all these monitors, given a steroid shot and then prepped for surgery.  Things were happening so fast I just couldn't stop my body from shaking from all the fear and tears were still streaming down my face.  I finally just told myself I had to be strong.  We went through with the surgery and it was a success.  I was so out of it and I started to hurt from the surgery but they got my contractions under control but not completely gone.  They said I will contract from here on out but as long as I don't feel them or they don't hurt I'm fine.  The next couple of days were great except they had me on all this medication.  And one of them, Turbutaline, I was having bad reactions to.  I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest,  I was soooo hot, and I felt like I couldn't breath.  They finally, after persistent begging, took me off the Turbutaline.  But before you know it I ended up with pneumonia a couple of days later.  I felt so sick and had to be put on oxygen.  Even though this was a rough time and I'm sure it was hard for him to see me go through this, Cameron stayed strong and positive.  He helped me get through the hardest parts of this whole ordeal thus far.

Since the pneumonia has been treated and everything has cleared up I have been great!  Just stuck here in the hospital for the time being : (.  But I have had alot of visitors and lots of goodies brought to me and I thank everyone who has kept us in your thoughts and prayers.  We need them!  They have been such a help to us.  As for me and the babies our goal as of right now is 29 weeks! 3 more weeks to go.  And if I make it to that then our next goal is 32 weeks. So all we need is a grand total of 5 more weeks! We are very confident that I can make it to this point.  I just have to stay down for the remainder of my stay here at the hospital.
26 Weeks and In the Hospital

Big Ole Belly

Ewww! Bad Hair Week

Yup Pretty Nasty I was so Lopsided

The Last Two Years

The last two years have been so wonderful! We have had many adventures and many fun times. We painted and carpeted our first apartment, got a dog, been out of the country, took spontaneous trips, and have been enjoying each others company. Here are the pictures to prove it! Enjoy!

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Engagement and Wedding Day

       Cameron and I met toward the end of December of 2007.  We started dating January of 2008.  We immediately fell in love.  We would try and spend as much time together even though we were 2 hours away.  It was harder and harder to leave each other each time we visited each other.  On March 14th, 2008 he purposed!  I was so excited and so in love.  The wedding planning began!
        For the next couple of months we picked out colors, flowers, photographers, cakes etc.  The date was set for June 6th, 2008 less than 3 full months.  Though it was a short time, it was a complete success.  We were married in the Orlando LDS temple.  We are so happy and so in love.

Your pictures and fotos in a slideshow on MySpace, eBay, Facebook or your website!view all pictures of this slideshow